Packing Tips for Newbies

Packing Tips for Newbies: Moving is a difficult endeavor and can present numerous challenges. This is even truer for those who have no prior experience. While there are small, simple steps and large, difficult tasks, all of them are essential to the move. Some individuals are able to afford the luxury of hiring packers to do this tedious task for them. This is simply not a possibility for the average, first time mover. Packing should be accomplished is progressive steps.
The first step is to visit the new apartment with cleaning supplies in hand. This includes cleaning products; scrub sponges; buckets; rags, and trash bags. There is no sense trying to move stuff around to clean the apartment. Go in full steam ahead and clean every single inch before placing any items inside. Enlist the help of friends and family members for cleaning, packing, and moving.
Packing Materials
Packing materials are available at many places, from department stores to shipping services; however, these do come at a somewhat hefty price. Ask family members and friends for these supplies. One of the most popular places to find empty boxes is at liquor stores. Grocery and department stores are usually willing to give these away as well, provided they have not broken them down yet. In situations where these are the only type available, packing tape can be found at local dollar stores for very little cost. Packing tape is another essential item that must be purchased anyway.
Gather newspapers to wrap delicate, breakable items in. Towels, wash cloths, and clothes may be used for this as well. Scrap paper and a pen should be kept handy while packing. It is much simpler and quicker to unpack in the new apartment, if the boxes are labeled. This also makes unloading the boxes at the apartment much easier. Simply look at the label and place the box in the room specified. Be sure to label boxes that contain fragile items and ones that may be extremely heavy.
Once the packing materials have been gathered and/or obtained, it is time to get down to serious business. Some students may be moving from parents’ homes and everything they own will mostly be in one area. In any case, it is best to use a systematic approach. The first load should consist of boxes and/or bags which contain necessities. This is everything that will be required to get through the first night in case some boxes do not make it the first day or unpacking everything the first night is not in the realm of possibilities.
For the system start with the fragile stuff in each room and pack one room at a time. It may seem easier to simply throw all of the cloth items into a bag at the beginning; however, these may be required to wrap precious cargo. This step can wait until last. It really does not matter which room is first. Systematically pack all of the boxes for each before moving on to the next. There will most likely be a few forgotten items for each room. Always leave the last box for each area open. This will make adding last minute items a breeze while still sticking to the system. These last few boxes may be sealed just before moving the last load.
These are the packing tips for newbies apartment. Affordable Ann Arbor apartments for rent is available.
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