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Apartment Community Summer Activities

Posted by Friendly Design on May 31, 2017
Apartment Community Summer Activities

One of the wonderful things about living in Ann Arbor apartment complex is the community. It offers the opportunity for people to get together to beat summer boredom. It can also cut spending drastically, if everyone shares the costs. This is a wonderful time to put on your thinking cap and come up with fun activities the entire complex can join in.

Apartment Community Birthday

Summer evokes thoughts of treats like ice cream and chilled watermelon. Check with your apartment manager to see, if community gatherings are allowed on the grounds. They almost always are, but the manager probably has a designated spot for them. Perhaps you have a community room or a picnic pavilion.

Most everyone enjoys birthdays, especially children. This is a time when it is important to provide them with fun and excitement. Find out whose birthday is when and see, if the parents would be interested in having a community celebration. The other parents will most likely appreciate the help and be willing to assist when your child’s day comes.

Apartment Community Picnic Party

A picnic party for the whole complex is another way to get everyone involved. Again, it is essential to check with the apartment complex office to determine where best to hold community events. Plan food and activities such as lawn scrabble, yard twister, and bean bag toss. If there is prizes for the winners, everyone will want to play. The reward does not have to be expensive. Playing and the possibility of some small token is generally enough cause for excitement.

All those participating can divide the costs and prices per serving are reduced when you buy in bulk. Try to consider what all picnic goers can eat and provide a variety. Ensure that there is something for individuals who may have allergies or major preferences such as vegan only.  It is helpful to a couple of people to oversee planning and communication to make sure everyone is on the same page. This will make things run much smoother.

Studio Complex Book Club

Once upon a time, children and adults attended book clubs at their local libraries during summer vacation. While these may still exist, you could also implement a book club in your apartment complex. Participants can meet at a specific spot on the grounds once per week for readings as well as discussions. The community room is a great meeting place for rainy days.

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