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Communal Apartments vs Single Living

Posted by Friendly Design on January 20, 2015
Communal Apartments vs Single Living in Ann arbor apartmetns

            There are pros and cons to both living with roommates and living alone. The three main concerns are usually finances, personality, and time scheduling. It is important to consider all of these before making any decisions. Even the most charismatic people do not get along with everyone and sometimes even the most private individuals need help paying the bills. It all comes down to desires and, more importantly, requirements.

Communal Living

            There are quite a few benefits to having multiple roommates. One of the most obvious is sharing living costs. It requires a great deal of money to simply keep up with the cost of living such as rent, electric, and other services like internet access not to mention groceries. On top of that college students have many school expenses. Managing to keep these bills current can be an overwhelming challenge. Communal living means having multiple individuals sharing all of the expenses.

            Another aspect of having others living in the same space is company. Some individuals do not like living alone and become depressed without this type of socialization. Many people simply do not like coming home to an empty apartment at the end of the day. Others find it difficult because they have never lived alone before. Beginning the college journey can evoke fear and many people do much better with the support of roommates. It is essential to both personal happiness and success to weigh the benefits against the disadvantages.

Another aspect to think about is schedules for work and class. Not all people are comfortable in a household where there is a lot of coming and going. Some find that it actually works better, if other is the apartment are on a completely different schedule. It can allow private time in an apartment full of people. It is best to interview roommate candidates face to face and even ask about their schedules and preferences.

Single Living

            Certain individuals are not meant to live with others in a communal situation. There is a great deal of compromising to sharing an apartment with multiple roommates. On the other hand sharing everything includes finances and responsibilities. Living alone means that single individuals must pay all of the bills alone as well as keep up with household chores. While no one has ever truly suffered from doing chores, the finances are another matter entirely. Introverts who have no issues with money may find single living a much better arrangement.

            Private time may be one of the biggest advantages of living alone. There are no problems with wearing pajamas and eating cereal at four in the morning on the couch, if no one else will be there. There is also the freedom to decorate. Many people like to make a space their own by adding personal touches. This is not always possible with others living in the home.

            One last consideration of single living is having company over. Those who have many friends will not sacrifice socialization in a lone setting; however, living with roommates may mean not being able to have friends over at the drop of a hat. Many college students also use this time to sow their oats so to speak. Those who enjoy the dating scene may be better off living singly.

Ann Arbor student apartment are helping you to find your right roommates.

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