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Studio Studies on a Dime

Posted by Friendly Design on June 15, 2017
Apartment Studio Studies on a Dime

With apartment living expenses, daily life, and college, it is often difficult for students to make ends meet. It requires a little planning and some organization, but it is possible to reduce material costs for your college studies. You could make some friends and new networking members along the way.

Apartment Living Expenses

Living expenses cover a broad range of bills each month. You must account for rent, electric, and, of course, internet services. This is not to mention food, study materials, college books, and you may think you should forget about any sort of entertainment. One area that is possible to cut your living expenses is materials for college classes.

You might consider visiting the library for research and internet service. You can the cut your cable cord in your Ann Arbor Apartment and save quite a bit of money. If this is not feasible and you must study online at home, try finding a cheaper provider. Think about exactly how much data do you require each month for your course studies. The data you receive each month from your cell phone provider may be enough to get you through.

Apartment Community Bulletin

Your apartment complex probably has a community bulletin or a newsletter. Check these for information about used books and local stores which sell them. This modern world also affords college students today to rent text books in digital form for a fraction of the cost. While you are searching, look for a carpool within the complex as well. This is another very effective cost cutting approach.

Study Foods & Apartment Cooking

You must have sustenance when you study and most college students opt for fast food. This is not only unhealthy, but extremely expensive, if it is a habit. You can cut study snack costs simply by cooking in your apartment. While you are shopping for your menu include snack foods which provide carbs and protein to fuel your brain. Trail mixes are rich in both types of macronutrients and come in a wide variety of blends. Fresh fruits and vegetables, or even fruit bars, make a cheaper more wholesome snack.

Prepare multiple lunches in your studio kitchen that you can quickly heat up while you are studying. Left overs make delicious, yet simple and filling meals. Prepare a week’s worth of munchies and have them ready to eat between classes instead of eating in the cafeteria. Remember to make enough for library snacking as well.

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