Spring Cleaning an Apartment

The most common project just after the New Year for households everywhere is the tradition of spring cleaning. Some families enjoy this process while others dread every single moment of it. Whether it is perceived as a fun family adventure or sheer torture, it still must be done. Believe it or not, there are many households which have seasonal cleaning projects instead of reorganization only in the spring. It actually makes the entire process easier and it requires much less time the more often it is done.
First Things First
Start by making a list of all of the tasks which are to be accomplished. It does not matter how large or small a task is, include it on the list. Once the cleaning begins mark each item off as it is accomplished. It will provide a sense of accomplishment and a productive feeling. Create a separate list of everything which will be required to clean. This does not mean run out and spend a fortune on cleaning products. Only list items which are absolutely necessary. For example, many all-purpose cleaners will clean many surfaces. It is not necessary to buy a different chemical for every surface to be cleaned. Use old grocery bags for trash and old clothes for rags instead of wasting hard earned money buying them.
Clear an Area for Cleaning
Before trying to scrub anything at all go through every nook and cranny of the apartment Ann Arbor. Throw away useless items which cannot be sold, donated, or given away. Do not forget to save some of those old t-shirts to make cleaning rags with. Anything in the closet or drawers which has not been worn in a number of months should go out with the trash or donations. Once this task is complete it will be much simpler as well as much more effective to actually scrub.
Sparkle and Shine
Find a bucket or a large bowl to draw warm water into. Do not add cleaner to the water to start. Go through the entire apartment using a rag and warm water to wipe everything down. Keep a fresh cloth handy to dry those items which should not be left damp. Rinse the cleaning rag often and change the rinse water whenever it becomes murky.
Once this is accomplished go back through with a bucket of warm water and all-purpose cleaner. Remember little things that often go unnoticed when cleaning. This includes mirrors, the tops of doors, and ceiling fan blades. All-purpose cleaner may be used for all of that except mirrors and glass surfaces. Two parts water and one part vinegar can be used to clean these spots.
The next step is to be sure all useless items have been given away or otherwise eliminated and all trash has been taken to the dumpster. A couple of finishing touches which are extremely important are rugs, carpets, bed linens, and curtains. Most all of those except the carpets can be put through the wash cycle. Drapes and rugs with rubber backing may be hung across banisters or curtains may simply be hung back on rods. Rent a shampooer for carpets and do not forget to toss the shower curtain in a hot wash. All of these tasks will cleanse the apartment and make it smell wonderful.
Tip: Simmer a large pot of water with cinnamon and apples peels in it during the cleaning process.