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Celebrate the 4th Apartment Style

Posted by Friendly Design on July 24, 2017
Celebrate the 4th Apartment Style

People have been celebrating Independence Day for more than two hundred years. It is usually a day filled with fireworks, barbeques, and pool parties. Those with grand house and huge yards have plenty of room for these activities. If you live in Ann Arbor apartment, it may seem like you cannot celebrate in style. There are a few things to think about; however, you can have a party on the 4th just like everyone else.

Apartment & Local Regulations

First, you should investigate the laws in your local area concerning the use of fireworks. This is with state, county, and city authorities as well as your apartment complex manager. While you may not be allowed to set them off, most places have community gatherings where professionals oversee the displays. Many of these types of celebrations take place in public parks accompanied by great food and live music.

If fireworks are legal and allowed in your area, you may still be required to inform the local authorities. Try calling the local non-emergency fire department phone number to speak with someone about it. The internet is also a great tool for researching this type of information. Check your community’s bulletin board or newsletter for announcements as well.

Apartment Ground Celebration

Another terrific way to celebrate this sparkling holiday is with delicious food. Again, you should consult your apartment manager, if you plan to grill outside. There may be a covered community area with permeant grills for this purpose. You could invite your neighbors to join the party.

Community potlucks are age old celebrations. It is not only a wonderful for breaking the ice with your neighbors, but everyone can bring a family specialty dish. Ask around to see who is interested and what type of food the family would like to bring. This also means the community will be sharing not only the fun, but the cost as well.

Apartment Decorating

You might also consider celebrating on your patio with frozen fruit, fresh summer veggies, and decadent desserts. If you have children, you can discuss what Independence Day means with them. Ask them if they have any decorating ideas for the party. Kids always enjoy helping with preparations, especially in the kitchen. Apartment decorations do not necessarily mean breaking the bank either. You and your children may enjoy making them for the 4th with simple recycle crafts.

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