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Apartment living, Ensure you do these after Moving in

Posted by Friendly Design on May 6, 2022
Apartment living- Ann Arbor Apartments managed by CMB

Apartment living is not the same as an individual house. However, when people cannot afford a house, there is a need to accept the lifestyle change. There is no shortage, and you can find many buildings ready to occupy. Living in a townhouse or an apartment is different, while lower-income people have difficulty managing finances to get the same.

The differences include:

  • Staying close to neighbors is to see, meet or hear them, more often.
  • Share spaces and services with neighbors, whether it is laundry, garden, or lift.

There is a need to co-operate with owners and residents to pay and manage upkeep and building operation.   However, for happy apartment living, do these after moving in


After moving in


Meet your neighbors

Knowing your neighbors is nothing short of having a security camera. The neighbors keep an eye and warn others if there is any suspicious activity or if they find something fishy. Strike up conversations and watch for people in the apartment to get to know.  If you are not ready for face-to-face contact or are a shy type, join the social media group. It helps in breaking the ice.

Get renters insurance

Unfortunate events happen. It is right to take safety precautions after moving into an apartment. Unlike the landlord’s insurance that offers cover only for the building, your renter’s insurance will cover only your personal property, if it gets affected by a disaster or a burglary. It will include electronics, furniture, possessions, clothing, and other damages. It will cover medical costs and liabilities in your apartment.

Upgrade door locks

Apartments have a deadbolt. However, you may install one after moving in seeking the permission of the landlord. It is best to change the door locks as you do not know the number of duplicate keys handed out in these many years. Installing an additional door lock restricts access to your apartment and ensures secure living.

Cover your windows

Moving-in comes with covering the windows with curtains and blinds. It helps to keep off things from view. Shut the windows if you are not home or after dark. Place horizontal angle closed blinds that do not allow small gap slats. Remember that at night when the lights are on and the blinds are open, the outdoor audience gets to see clearly everything. It is best to cover your windows, to stay safe.

Install cameras

Installing a security camera ensures security monitoring. Having standalone cameras is helpful to send a direct feed to your Smartphone to monitor your apartment at anytime from anywhere. Contact- Ann Arbor Apartments managed by CMB.

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