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Apartment Harvest Décor

Posted by Friendly Design on August 14, 2017
Ann Arbor apartment Harvest Décor

Decorating your apartment for harvest season can be exciting; however, it is easy to get carried away. The cost can quickly get out of hand and break your bank. With a bit of planning and know how, you can incorporate beautiful harvest décor in your apartment Ann Arbor at a fraction of the cost.

Fall Apartment Splashes

People everywhere celebrate when fall comes bringing with it cooler temps and fun get-togethers everywhere. Many of them begin the harvest decorating phase by September and start sprinkling it everywhere. Before you step out and spend all your money, go through your apartment.

Carry an empty tote and a trash bag with you as you go. Systematically inspect each room looking for items which are harvest colors. If you are a crafter, check out your current supplies. Place anything you think can be incorporated into a fall theme in the tote.

Thoroughly examine the storage areas of your apartment. Check in catch all drawers and nooks where you may have stuck. Search all the places that you keep past holiday decorations. While you are going through this process, toss everything you will never use in the trash bag. This will help you organize and make it easier to store your harvest decorations in the when winter arrives.

Economical Apartment Décor

Once you have dug deep into every nook and cranny of your apartment, take inventory of your treasures. Let your imagination run wild while you brainstorm decorating ideas for your new finds. There are tons of websites dedicated to upcycling and crafting holiday themed goodies.

Carefully inspect any old decorations from last year to see, if they need a little cleaning or sprucing up. As you take inventory of your materials, create a list of things you will need to decorate your apartment for harvest. You next step will be thrifty shopping for the rest of your supplies. Start your search at dollar stores armed with your list and consider these ideas.

  • Fall colored candles combined with bouquets in country mason jars are fitting, gorgeous, and inexpensive.
  • Beautiful glass jars filled with layers of various colored, dry legumes and corn evokes thoughts of harvest.
  • Large, boldly hued containers may be filled with artificial or real leaves, gourds, and wheat.
  • Most all these stores will have inexpensive premade items to blend in along the way. Think bold reds, rich browns, and bright oranges.

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