Apartment Family Sundays

Once upon a time, families gathered and feasted every Sunday without fail. This practice has fallen by the way side. The only way to spend quality time with family is to make time. Mark a date on your calendar for apartment family Sundays.
Studio Meetings
Sunday dinners are a sacred tradition from older days and a different time. Many families are making a point to bring this practice back. A heart felt gathering like this once each week will give the entire household a break from the rat race. Most everyone gets caught up in the time trap and forgets to breathe for a quiet moment. These life pauses are extremely great for your mental health. If you add in some fun hands on games, it makes it physically healthy as well.
Keep in mind that creating a special, but recurring family day will take some planning, preparation, and at least a little participation from the whole family. Perhaps Ann Arbor apartment meeting is in order. This would allow all members of the household to present ideas and opinions. It would also make it much easier to pencil in the day each week. If Sundays do not work for everyone, pick a day that does. It is the quality time and not necessarily the day of the week that is vital.
Apartment Family Fun
Think food and fun while you are planning your family day. Tasty food does not always require hard work. You could have a dedicated homecooked meal one Sunday each month and grill out another. Nothing but appetizers for dinner can be fun and simple as can fondue night.
Plan some activities that everyone in the family will enjoy. During the meetings household members could vote on what to play on movie nights. Each one could write down the name of a game, fold it up, and toss it into a bowl. Shake them around and allow the youngest member to choose one to determine what will be played on the game night.
Dress-Up Apartment Day
When holidays fall close to your apartment family Sunday, you can incorporate it as the theme. One idea is to have every household member dress up in a homemade costume. Halloween is of course a fitting example, but you could do this for Easter or spring as well. You may have eggs, chicks, and bunnies for guests. You can also plan your menu around the holiday theme.