Apartment Address Updating

A change of address is one of the most important moving tasks. It’s generally neglected as well. It’s essential that companies you hold accounts with are informed of your move. It’s also important that family and friends have your new address. Apartment address updating is painless, especially with the help of today’s modern technology.
12 Month Forwarding
The first thing you need to do is update your address with the United States Postal Service. This will ensure that any mail sent through it will be forwarded to your new address. This is not an end-all solution, but a temporary fix. The USPS will only do this for 12 months.
The 12-month period only applies to important mail such as that from the IRS or your financial institution. Catalogs and less important letters will not be forwarded. These will continue to be sent your previous mailbox.
Update your contact info online through the USPS and IRS via their respective websites. You’ll have to pay USPS $1 to complete the update online. You can also pick up the free Mover’s Guide Packet from any Post Office. It’s possible to set both the start and end dates. The longest period you can choose is 1 year. Once six months have passed, you can get six more.
Manual Update List
While the USPS is sending your important documents to your new apartment you need to make this a permanent change. You’ll need to make a list of all the places you must update your contact info. Though you have 12 months before your mail forwarding request expires, it’s best to get this done as soon as possible. Here are some common examples to help you brainstorm your contact list.
- Electric Company
- Internet/Cable Service
- IRS & State Tax Office
- Social Security Administration
- Telephone/Cell Phone Provider
- Insurance Company
- Financial Institutions
- Credit Card Companies
- Loan Offices
- Magazine/Box Subscriptions Companies
- Local Veteran’s Affairs Office
- State DOT and/or Local Vehicle Agencies
- Online Retailers
- Local Election Offices
- S. Citizenship and Immigration Services
Frozen Penalties
Ensure that you contact every entity on your list even if you even if you’re a paperless member. You can complete most of these permanent updates online or with a phone call. There may be a handful that requires you to change your info in person and bring proof of these new details. Financial institutions are a common example. If they detect usually activity, your accounts may be frozen. This may be nothing more than purchasing groceries or cleaning supplies for the first week in your apartment.
Moving can be tireless, especially if this is your first time around. Lists make wonderful tools. Ticking off tasks as you complete them will help ensure you don’t forget any important stuff. If you need some moving advice, read our packing tips. Another tidbit is Apartment Must-Haves for anyone moving into a new home.
Cited Source
1: https://moversguide.usps.com/mgo/disclaimer
2: https://www.irs.gov/faqs/irs-procedures/address-changes/address-changes