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How to Winter Studio Stocking

Posted by Friendly Design on December 5, 2019
How to Winter Studio Stocking- Ann Arbor Apartments managed by CMB

Harsh weather conditions can make travel difficult which makes fall a great time for winter studio stocking. There are a handful of food items that are handy any time of year, but essential when you cannot get to the grocery store.

Studio Kitchen Inventory

The first step to preparing yourself in the event that you cannot get away from your apartment is inventory. Use your notepad app to jot down exactly which kitchen supplies you currently have on hand. Make sure you inspect your apartment’s refrigerator, freezer, and pantry. Be sure to include how much of each item you have as well.

Next, make a list of several simple, but nutritious favorite family meals. Stir fry is quick, easy, and inexpensive. The rice is a dry stock product and you can store your veggies in the freezer or you can purchase them in cans.

Try to limit most of your list to shelf stable ingredients. Once you have a list of meals, ingredients, and kitchen inventory you can create a master grocery list. Many products may be purchased in bulk to prepare more than one meal.

You might want to keep a digital version of your food list. You can also hang one on your apartment wall and take a snap shot of it with your phone periodically. Delete or add items you pick up then update the image on your device.

Studio Scullery Suggestions

  • Pastas as well as plain and flavored rice are extremely versatile.
  • Basic seasonings such as onion, garlic, and black pepper are handy to have around.
  • Baking ingredients like flour, cornmeal, sugar, and salt are good investments.
  • Water is a necessity which should never be overlooked.
  • Today, shelf stable milk is available on the market, if you need it and the powdered version works well in a pinch.
  • Devote a large, sealable container to dry beans and add all your favorite varieties.
  • While stores still offer canned meat, today you have the option buying it in a pouch instead.
  • Consider adding a few convenience foods such as dry, flavored oatmeal or box stuffing.

Studio Snack Stocking

Snack time is one of the most important meals and is often overlooked. If snow has you trapped in your apartment, you are going to get bored. You will automatically want to eat to fill that void. Make sure your studio stock list includes crackers, nuts, nut butters, and fruits for wholesome munching.

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