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Vacation Tips for Apartment Dwellers

Posted by Friendly Design on July 5, 2017
Vacation Tips for Ann Arbor Apartments Dwellers

Whether you have planned a weekend getaway or you are leaving for your honeymoon, it is important to ensure your Ann Arbor apartment is in order before departing. There are a few things to consider so you can relax when you get to your destination. There may be nothing worse than a stressful vacation. Consider creating a check list and marking each item as you completed it.

Apartment Departure

One of the first things people want to do is share their vacation experience with friends. It is better to resist this urge as much as possible until you return. Telling your loved ones, you are leaving is wise. Sharing your departure on social media could alert the wrong people to your absence and make your apartment vulnerable.

Bear in mind that there are several individuals that you should notify about your vacation. In addition to close relatives, alert your apartment manager or landlord. This way whoever is in charge will know to keep an eye on your apartment. You should make arrangements with your postal and delivery services as well. Most will hold your packages for the number of days you request.

Apartment Finances

You should call the bank and your credit card companies. Some financial institutions freeze accounts, if they notice unusual activity. Check your bills and due dates twice to ensure that you have paid everything and will not get late notice calls during your getaway. Most companies allow you to schedule payments online for future due dates.

You should sort out your purse and/or wallet. Remove anything that you do not absolutely need while you are on vacation. This includes duplicate forms of identification as well as credit cards. It is a good idea to use only one credit card during your trip and put the others in a safety deposit box. If your wallet is stolen while you are away, you will only have to attend to that one account.

Apartment Security

As mentioned previously, you should notify the apartment complex management about your trip. Be sure that the office knows your departure and return date. Check all your windows and doors to ensure that they are securely locked. Turn off all the lights and electronic appliances as well as unplug everything you can. You might also consider cleaning your refrigerator out and making your bed with fresh sheets. This makes for a much more pleasant return.

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