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How to Decorate an Apartment to Look Like a Home

Posted by Friendly Design on January 19, 2020


Individuals just starting a college career and moving away from home can sometimes feel quite overwhelmed. Usually they can find at least some solace in the location they reside. In most cases, college students must live in college dorms or student housing apartments. This can make it somewhat difficult to decorate the place so that it feels like home. This is the place where college students rest; cook; eat; and do their part of their homework. It is important to feel comfortable while trying desperately to accomplish all of these daily tasks. A few decorating tips and ideas can give any residence a homey feel.

How to Decorate an Apartment to Look Like a Home?

One wonderful idea to create an ambiance of home is to gather a few things from home. These can be simple and small. Pictures of family and lifelong friends to hang on the wall can make individuals feel more at home. A hint is to remember that most parents are delighted and honored when their college student asks for this type of item. These pictures can be reframed and/or matted to complement the current theme of the apartment. Another thought is to bring an item or two from the old bedroom such as nick knacks or stuffed animals. Ask Mom for a couple of little things from her living room. She will most likely be more than happy to oblige.

Another tip is to carefully consider color and light. Examine the current lease to see if the landlord will allow DIY painting. Sometimes they will and sometimes they will not; however, there are cases in which they may agree, if the tenant supplies the paint. In cases where this is not an option, there are other ways to add color and light to create personalization. Large pictures, area rugs, and hanging tapestries are a few great examples. Do not forget the impact of the right window dressings.

It is a good idea to keep in mind that functionality is essential when decorating a small area. Opt for items that reflect individual personality and are useful as well. The kitchen or cooking area and the bedroom are two of the best places to start. For example, a large, carefully chosen comforter serves two purposes. It is functional as it will keep the resident warm and cozy while they rest. It can also be delightfully decorative and the center piece of the room. Containers, totes, and canisters are vital in any kitchen, especially a small one. This is where daily cooking items are stored. With a little thought and window shopping as well perhaps some creativity these can be the center of the kitchen.

Do not forget simple items throughout the living area. Hand towels, wash clothes, and bath towels are a great excuse to pick a color scheme in the bathroom. This also applies to little things in the kitchen. Dish towels, dish clothes, and scrub sponges may all be chosen by color to accent the cooking area. Simple, inexpensive candles can be used to complement just about any room. The internet is a wonderful tool to use to search for ideas and to window shop. Creativity is one of the best tools any individual possesses.

Ann Arbor apartment is easy to decorate look like home.


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