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Ensure Apartment Patio Bucket Bounty

Posted by on April 21, 2017
Ann Arbor apartment patio bucket garden

Spring is the time to plan your Ann Arbor apartment  patio garden. In rural areas, it is the time for long planting days. You can have a bountiful harvest from a few buckets and minimal work. This means during the summer and fall, you will have fresh produce to use in creative dinners and cookouts.

Apartment Patio Planters

Five gallon buckets are inexpensive and great to use as planters. You could also opt for something a tad whimsical, if you want to spend a few more dollars; however, traditional, five gallon buckets are perfect for many fruit bearing plants. Find out which restaurants are located closest to your apartment and ask, if they have any available buckets. Some may just give them away at no charge.

It is important to determine what was packaged in the bucket to decide whether it is safe to use as a planter or not. Many times, it should simply be cleaned well. These types of containers can also be ordered online and shipped to your residence.

Less is More in an Apartment

You only need to choose a handful of plants to cultivate. Make a list of which ones you, and perhaps other in your apartment, enjoy. Think about which veggies are the most versatile as well. This way you can incorporate them into many meals and there will be no need to pick these up from the grocery store. You can harvest them right from the vine instead.

Tomatoes; bell peppers; hot peppers; summer squash; and herbs are notable examples of items you can use to prepare a wide variety of dishes. Several types of herbs do well together growing inside a single bucket. If you have a spot to place five, buckets, you can create a small apartment patio garden space. Use one for a few types of herbs and each of the rest for one tomato vine; bell pepper bush; squash shoot; and hot pepper plant.

Apartment Complex Community Garden

Consider discovering which neighbors enjoy gardening and cooking with fresh produce to enlist their help. Perhaps one of them has a somewhat bigger porch to create a garden space. You might also ask if there is any room on the apartment complex grounds for a community garden. This can also be a wonderful learning experience for your, and/or the community’s, children. You might help them hold a produce sale instead of a lemonade stand.

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