Block Party / Yard Sale

Many events are traditionally associated with summers such as yard sales and block parties. Spring is generally the time that individuals deep clean their dwellings. It is only logical that items which are no longer needed should be sold during summer yard sales. With a little planning and effort, this could be a community endeavor. The first step would be to discuss this event with friends and neighbors to determine who would be interested and what date would be most convenient for everyone.
Sorting for Sale
The saying one man’s garbage is another man’s treasure still holds true today. Sort through all of the items in your apartment Ann Arbor and think critically to determine which ones no long have any use in your home. This includes old clothes. It may be quite surprising what others may decide to buy from your sale. Encourage your neighbors to do the same. One of the easiest ways to do this is to label open top boxes or totes to sort everything into. Cardboard boxes are almost always free; however, totes will protect sale items from summer rains and may be reused for something else once the sale is over.
One method of sorting sale items is to label boxes with prices. Do not try to sell used items for what you paid. In many cases these items would have been thrown away or donated and you would have received no money. A small return on investment is always better than none. Try creating dollar boxes by labeling them $1, $2, and or $5. You could also have a box of items priced at $.25 and/or $.50. The latter will most likely sell the fastest.
Talk with the neighbors and coordinate the event for a weekend when most everyone will be available. An entire block of sales will draw a much greater number of customers than a single sale. Local newspapers often have summer deals on yard sale kits. The paper will run your sale ad and provide you with posters and price labels to help organize your block event for one low cost. There are a few items everyone should have on hand during the sale which include:
- Plenty of change for customers
- Small plastic bags for items sold
- Snacks and drinks to keep hydrated
Tip: Consider buying bottled water in bulk to place in a large tote full of ice to sell to lookers.
Celebrate Profits
Talk to everyone who will be involved in the yard sale event. Maybe they would be willing to donate a portion of the profits to a block party. If there are 10 people involved and everyone chips in $10 that is $100 to provide party refreshments. The amount is all dependent upon what will be needed for the party. Perhaps one of your neighbors has a sound system for music and another has yard games for entertainment. Yard games might include lawn darts and corn hole, both of which are extremely popular among college students. The two biggest factors are to get as many individuals as possible involved and coordinate everything. A little organization, cooperation, and creativity will go a long way toward success.