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Best Things to Do at Home When Stuck in Your Apartment

Posted by Friendly Design on July 6, 2020
Best Things to Do at Home When Stuck in Your Apartment- Ann Arbor Apartments managed by CMB

COVID-19 and the coronavirus will likely remain a prevalent issue for some months to come. This health emergency has made it so that many apartment renters cannot go to a public place. Most gyms, parks, and stores remain closed or operating at a reduced capacity. Best Things to Do at Home When Stuck in Your Apartment.

What can you do if local rules stop you from having friends over at your apartment?

If you are looking for something to do, these ideas for a new activity or hobby can fill in the extra free time you may have.

Take Online Courses Outside of Your Curriculum

Students rapidly transitioned to online learning because of COVID-19, saving a lot of travel time between classes. Those extra minutes could get funneled toward something outside of a planned major or minor that you want to do for fun. You can find everything from mathematics to photography taught in free courses that you can complete on your own schedule.

Best Things to Do at Home When Stuck in Your Apartment

Begin a New Exercise Habit

Most stay-at-home orders for COVID-19 include a provision that lets you go outside to start exercising. You can also create a routine to follow in your apartment that can get the blood pumping. Now might be a fantastic time to try yoga, do some body resistance strength movements, or choose a high-intensity interval workout you can do at home. Several YouTube channels offer guided workouts to follow, and your gym might provide a livestream with its fitness trainers.

Discover a New Favorite Show or Movie

Netflix, Hulu, Prime, HBO Max – the list of available streaming services is a mile long. That means you can catch up on a favorite show or start a new one when boredom strikes. As a way to keep costs down, try to subscribe to only one platform per month. Binge what you can during that time, then rotate to the next one. You can even supplement your viewing with an indoor HDTV antenna that picks up local channels if your apartment doesn’t provide cable or satellite.

Organize Your Apartment

Having free time at home gives you a chance to get some organizing done in your living space. Grab one bag for trash, another for donations, and a third for storage. Sort everything you don’t use into one of these containers. Taking the time to declutter helps the apartment stay clean, reduces stress levels, and keeps the mind preoccupied when the rest of the world seems chaotic.

Bake Something New

Grocery stores are essential services. Try to find a recipe online that looks intriguing and then make a list of the ingredients you’ll need. You could try a full entrée, a new dessert, or an exciting dish from a different culture. It can be a lot of fun to replicate a favorite restaurant menu item too! These are the best things to do at home when stuck in your apartment.

Spending time at home should feel refreshing and exciting instead of dull and boring. When you have a plan to fill your free time with activities, you can have some fun – even if no one can come over.

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