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Apartment Must Haves

Posted by Friendly Design on September 11, 2014

First apartment must haves numerous responsibilities. There is so much to do and numerous responsibilities to tend to when settling into the first apartment Ann Arbor. This is especially true when the individual is beginning a college career. It is extremely difficult to keep up with everything. One solution is to make a list of need and wish items. Mark of each item as it is acquired.

The Big Important Stuff

There a couple larger items to consider picking up for the apartment. One of these is a cooking appliance. A toaster oven is very handy, especially in dwellings that have no stove and/or oven. Toaster ovens are not very expensive and used ones can be found for cheap at thrift stores. Most any kind of meal can be baked inside a toaster oven. If a toaster oven cannot be located, consider a microwave, crockpot, or rice cooker. Any of these will be efficient for cooking all sorts of meals. Consider working toward obtaining all of these.

A coffee pot is another important appliance for college students. There are certain models on the market that have a clock and a timer. This type may be set the night before so a fresh pot of coffee will be ready upon waking. A brand new coffee pot will not usually even dent a budget. These are also widely available used for very cheap. Make sure to keep one cabinet full of filters, ground coffee, and all of the assorted condiments. Do not forget to include a special cup.

The Little Important Stuff

There are several items that are extremely important; however, they do not cost a great deal of money or take up very much room. During the hustle and bustle these things are easily forgotten. Just about every kitchen in the world the world needs a dish drainer and dishes to go in it. Toilet paper is one of the most forgotten items. Purchase a tote box with a lid and keep it full of toilet paper. The tote can be easily stored as well as double as a table in any room, even the kitchen, if need be.

Cutlery is another extremely important necessity. It is possible to eat using only fingers when needed; however, some things absolutely require a knife to cut. A can opener is yet one more item that should be purchased and placed in the kitchen immediately. Many food cans today have pull tabs for easy opening, but not all of them do. It may also be a good idea to pick up a crock screw too.

First apartment must haves numerous responsibilities. As mentioned above a list can be of great assistance. Every evening sit down and revise the list. A college apartment does not need all of the items that the dream home will eventually have. Make sure the necessities are present and gather the rest while residing in the apartment. This is another method that can save money in the long run. Household items that are not immediately needed should never be a spur of the moment purchase. There is plenty of time to shop around for these.

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