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Studio Sunshine & Autumn Breezes

Posted by Friendly Design on October 24, 2017
Studio Sunshine & Autumn Breezes_

Fall is an excellent time to take advantage of studio sunshine and autumn breezes. This mark of the turning seasons is a wonderful time to prepare your apartment. Clean, redecorate, and insulate to cozy in for winter.

Diminishing Days

While you are putting up your fall décor consider the shorter days to come. Daylight will shrink until winter sets in. There are many ways to brighten your apartment and take advantage of the sunniest hours as well.

Consider hanging heavy drapes with sheer curtains in the middle. You can draw the thicker material in the mornings and allow the sunshine to permeate your studio. At night, simply pull them closed again to block out the cooler temps. Strategically placing lamps and hanging mirrors throughout your apartment can also add a touch of brilliance.

Decluttering is an interesting phycological apartment brightener. Go through your home with trash bag and donation box in hand. If it is usable, organize it for compact storage or take it to your local church collection.

Inspect your apartment patio furniture to ensure it is in decent shape. Make sure your family has comfortable places to gather and watch the sunset as the nights become cooler. This will allow you all to enjoy the autumn breezes as everything winds down.

Apartment Winter Protection

Another common fall task in apartment communities is winter prep. There are several cost-effective ways to protect your family and home from the cold this winter. It will also help you save a buck or two on your service expenses.

Visit your apartment complex’s website or speak with the manager to inquire about winter prep. Find out which tasks are your family’s responsibility and which are covered by your lease. Ask who is in charge of salting or sanding the walkways and parking lots during harsh weather.

You should open all your doors and windows to let your apartment air out a bit. While the cool breezes are blowing through, dust and turn on your heaters for a few minutes. This will allow the remaining lint to safely burn off and prevent the smell from being trapped inside your apartment.

Examine your home completely, checking all doors, windows and other entryways. Take note of any gaps you find in your apartment and fill them or have them sealed. Another important task on an apartment fall list is replace all your fire detector batteries with fresh ones.

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