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Re-purpose Items to Decorate and/or Organize an Apartment

Posted by Friendly Design on July 19, 2014


decorate your apartments with used stuff


            The main topic on most college students’ minds is finances. If it is not upon beginning college, it usually is by the end of the first term. It is best to begin saving money even while there is money in hand. The money saved may be used later for bills; food; college supplies; and/or unforeseen emergencies. People often do not plan for the latter which is a big mistake. It is true that it is not possible to prepare for all situations, especially if they are unforeseen. It is possible to give forethought and do as well as possible. Re-purpose Items to Decorate An Apartment.

            Many college students spend a great deal of money on their apartments Ann Arbor for decorations and organization upon moving in. It is possible to cut a few corners and save money while decorating and organizing an apartment. One of the most popular methods for this today is repurposing or upcycling used items. There are numerous wonderful and creative ideas on the internet with websites dedicated specifically to this purpose.

            Small dressers and end tables with storage space below have a number of possibilities. These are not only great for organizing, but they can be refinished to match the décor of most any room. This type of furniture can be found at second hand shops which seem to be abundant in college towns. It is quite possible that family and/or friends may have one cheap or even free. The cost to refinish such items is inexpensive, but very effective. A larger dresser or chest could be used outside bathrooms and kitchens to organize items normally stored in those areas. A chest outside a bathroom can hold towels, wash clothes, and hygiene products; however, it may be decorated to match the décor of the room it will reside in.

            Large trunks, industrial filing cabinets, and old wooden box crates all have great possibilities. Wallpaper and/or paint can be used to redesign these to be repurposed. Trunks and filing cabinets can be used to store or organize most anything imaginable. Linens, sheets, and blankets are a few examples for bedrooms or living rooms. Dish towels, pots, and pans are a few ideas for kitchens. Wooden crates, once refinished, may be stacked upon each other for shelf space to place books, electronics, or knick knacks. Any of the three may be refinished in such a way as to create a center piece for its home room.

            There are some simple ideas that can prove extremely useful. Broom and/or mop handles can be affixed in corners to hang clothes and in cabinets or under sinks to hang cleaning bottles. An odd, but cute thought is to use an old or inexpensive dish rack to organize and store school and desk supplies. Old, but sturdy book shelves of any size can be refurbished to design storage area. Plastic and cloth bins are not expensive. These all may be purchased and placed upon shelves to design ann arbor apartments like home. So, re-purpose items to decorate an apartment.

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