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Protect your Apartment Wi-Fi Password

Posted by Friendly Design on October 18, 2017
Protect your Apartment Wi-Fi Password_

It is essential to protect your apartment Wi-Fi password. People today have a range of device choices to access the internet today. It has certainly become a super data highway. Surfing the internet can also be extremely risky and hackers can retrieve any information you divulge.

Apartment Password Protection

Many individuals do not realize how dangerous the digital world can be. While your online activity can increase or reduce your safety risks, accessing the internet period can jeopardize your vital information. Therefore, Wi-Fi accounts, devices, and routers all come password protected.

People sometimes have a false sense of security when it comes to data breaches. It does not always matter, if you shop online or enter your personal information. There can still be risks involved; however, there are also many ways to protect your family.

Friends and family will probably ask you for the Wi-Fi password to your apartment. It is perfectly fine, if you trust them. It is best not to hand it out to random strangers. Never leave your written password lying around for easy access either.

If you pay bills or shop online, ensure these accounts are secure as well. Hackers who gain entry to them can retrieve your important personal information. It is critical to protect your identity.

Identity theft is more popular today than ever before. Thieves can not only learn your address and phone number, but spend your hard-earned cash as well. Yes, they can accomplish this simply through your apartment’s Wi-Fi password.

Apartment Password Tips

Your apartment Wi-Fi probably came with a computer-generated password. You should change this to something clever as quickly as possible. Following the guidelines below will help enhance the security of your password protected accounts.

  • Use ten or more characters to create your apartment’s online passwords.
  • Incorporate letters and numbers.
  • If the system allows it, include at least one special character.
  • Monitor your data speeds and usage to alert you should unwanted eyes be lurking.

Studio Social Media Warning

Hackers and criminals come up with innovative ways to steal your info every day. Another way some criminals gain access to your sensitive data is through social media. Beware of scams asking for money or even claiming you have won some. Make sure your younger household members know the rules of safety for internet usage in your apartment. The first is never give out your personal info or passwords.

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