Flowering Friendships & Apartment Study Buddies

One great benefit of living into an Ann Arbor apartment complex is the potential for both socializing and making new study buddies. Life can be difficult trying to run a household, succeed in college, and start a career. One element that helps individuals through the work day is flowering friendships. It has been shown that most students also retain more academic material within study groups.
Apartment Complex Bulletin Board
One way to make new friends, of course, is to simply talk to your neighbors. Get to know who lives in your apartment complex and which ones may also attend college. Perhaps they might have ideas for creating a study group or already have one in place. Check your apartment office for a bulletin board. Study groups may be posted there and, if not, you can post about the one that you create. This is a great way to, not only find study buddies, but to meet future colleagues.
Break Free & Find Friends
One wonderful way to get to know your apartment neighbors is at a small gathering. You could host a cookout or dinner party on your apartment patio. This is to find new study buddies for your group, but also to take a break. During the gathering do not just talk academia. Discover who you click with talking about other interests. This does not guarantee you will be a match; however, it does help to have common interests. Try to have a bit a fun during the process and relax.
College Community Board
Just about every college or university has a community bulletin board. Some have many for a variety of information. Check with the library, computer lab, and book store to discover where they are. You might find a few people who not only attend the same college, but live in the same apartment complex as well. If there are no great finds on the board, post information about the study group you hope to create. Make sure to leave a few details about your group’s goals, subjects to be studied, and contact info.
Balance Life & Fun
It is important to balance your time as well as possible. You cannot study all the time with no rewards. You may soon you burn out much too quickly. This is why it is a good idea to have friends who you can study, work, and play with. You should always be proud that you work hard to succeed, but you must also find a bit of time for you.