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Create a Home Space for Children in an Apartment

Posted by Friendly Design on July 7, 2014


family smiling and laughing

Space is a familiar challenge to all individuals residing in an apartment. It becomes an even greater challenge to convert this tiny area into a home space for children. It is important for children of all ages to have spaces they feel are their own. This becomes difficult when space is limited. It is not an impossible task to accomplish with Ann Arbor apartment. The challenge only requires some information and a little creative ingenuity.

An extra room, of course, is ideal. This may be an option, if one child has recently begun college or if a home office has been left behind. A large closet can also be converted into a play area for children. This endeavor requires some imagination, forethought, a little money for investment. Upon first thought, it may seem this will be an extremely expensive task. It is a good idea to create a couple of lists and then do a little research for ideas in order to reduce the cost.

The first step is to consider what the children in question will require. This is greatly dependent upon their ages. Small children need a space that is safe and filled with age-appropriate toys. Older children may require home space for electronics such as game systems and/or computers. One corner of the room may be easily converted into a library for children who enjoy reading. Again, it is important to carefully consider what would personalize the space.

A bunk bed frame may be repurposed to create not only a bed but an area for a desk and shelving. Simply remove the bottom bed and leave the upper intact for sleeping. This leaves a great deal the floor space below. A desk and shelving may be placed here for reading and homework. It may be used to store art supplies or to create a small gaming corner. Small pictures and/or stuffed animals of decoration can be added to personalize it. If two children will be residing within the room, purchase two bunk bed frames. A personality specific space can be created below for each child’s unique habits and hobbies.

The seating for any home space for children is another area to be considered. Benches can be designed to open and reveal space for storage of toys or books. Hanging baskets and bins create wonderfully handy storage space for most any items. It is always best to try to take advantage of space and items. Choose those that have more than one purpose. Work tables with storage areas inside can be used to keep books, art supplies, and games safe. High shelving may be added for the same purpose. Simply add a ladder and anchor it to the wall for safety and access.

Curtains are another item that may be used in several different ways. Double-sided curtains can be hung in a single room to create space for two separate children or tasks. One side of the curtain might have cute little animals while the other has race cars to create individualized privacy. A curtain may be hung in the middle of a room to divide sleeping space from play areas. Again, one of the best tools individuals have is their imagination. Simply spend a little time researching the subject and considering what is required to create a home space in an apartment for any child.

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