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Country Harvest in your Apartment

Posted by Friendly Design on October 9, 2017
Country Harvest in your Apartment_

You can celebrate a country harvest for your apartment whether you farm or not. There are tons of fall-decor ideas to explore. You can incorporate inexpensive items into the mix, if you are on a tight budget. Think fall leaves, harvest vegetables, and gorgeous autumn rainbows.

Harvest Hues

Your decoration theme can generally flow together throughout the harvest holidays. Most of the colors and symbols for the first day of fall, Halloween, and Thanksgiving can be combined for all three. Pick up or create cute items from October to December to blend into your apartment country harvest.

Visit the local grocery stores and farmer’s markets to see which fruits, veggies, and grains are in season. Corn husk dolls are simple to make and dried corn lasts for months. Purchase an assortment of gourds and squash, especially pumpkins. Grab a few items to prepare a country harvest dinner in your apartment as well.

Crafty Country Apartment Harvest

Fall is an excellent season to begin incorporating a bit more quality family time into your busy schedule. Go on a hiking adventure and hunt for autumn treasures. Take them home and help the kids use them to create country harvest decorations.

Pinecones, acorns, and walnuts are abundant at this time of year. Consider dipping dry, colorful fall leaves in wax to preserve them. Pressed autumn flowers also make a wonderful touch to the country harvest theme.

Note: Remember when hiking in state and national parks to take only pictures and leave only foot prints.

There may be nothing in this world which brings the harvest to mind faster than the smell of pumpkins and spice. Use your sense of smell to add a few autumn touches to your apartment. Make a list of all the smells you remember from fall during your childhood.

Save a couple of the smaller pinecones and acorns from the kids crafts above to spritz with a bit of nutmeg or cinnamon oil. Place them inconspicuously in dishes throughout your apartment. The oil will scent your home for months.

Wholesome Harvest Feast

Warm bread and pumpkin pie are common scents remembered from seasons past. Dust off your bread maker or try your hand in making some traditional dough. You can also use dough to make more harvest crafts. Shape it into braids or grain maiden dolls and bake. Add a light coat of shellac and put them out again next autumn.

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