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Apartment Invaders

Posted by Friendly Design on September 30, 2017
Apartment Invaders

Apartment pests are one of the most difficult issues to solve. The whole building can be impacted by insects or mice, not just a single apartment. Most apartment complexes have some sort of pest control measures in place such as monthly fumigating. This is not always enough. It is best to try to prevent infestations wherever possible. It is also vital that everyone in the building be involved in the solution should pest invade.

Apartment Pest Policy

Check your community newsletter or apartment complex manager to inquire about pest control. If you see invaders, it generally means there are more that are going unseen. It is essential to get control of pests as soon as possible. Insect breeding rates are extremely fast and these buggers can take over in no time. If you see any type of pests in your apartment, alert the manager immediately. Try visiting the office, calling, and/or emailing them through the website.

Apartment Pest Prevention

Clean and tidy apartments can also suffer from critter invasions; however, proper sanitation habits are extremely important for the prevention and resolution of pests. You want to eliminate all the items that they need to survive. This is food, water, and shelter. A few routine tasks can make a significant impact.

  • Maintain a Clean and Dry Kitchen
  • Keep Trash Covered and Removed
  • Declutter Every Nook & Cranny
  • Eliminate as much Paper and Cardboard as Possible
  • Donate Unused Junk
  • Check for Moist Areas

Important Note: Tell your apartment manager immediately, if you discover moist areas. These could be sweating and leaking pipes or invading moisture from windowsills.

Signs of Apartment Invaders

You may not always see pests, but apartment invaders leave behind a number of signs. Use all your sense to keep an eye out for pesky critters. All of them leave behind an odor which is more detectable with increasing numbers of individual pests. Seeing dead bugs is a sure sign that live ones are lurking in your home. Dark brown or black specs may be fecal matter left behind by the invaders. These will generally be hidden in dark and damp places.

Special Considerations

Certain types of apartment pests have special abilities many renters are unaware of. For example, cockroaches do not need actual food they can survive on coffee grounds and even paper. Bed bugs can live dormant for extended periods of time waiting for a food source.

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