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Apartment Family Resource Binder

Posted by Friendly Design on May 9, 2020
Apartment Family Resource Binder- Ann Arbor Apartments managed by CMB

Our world seems a bit upside down lately. Most everyone is craving focus and searching for answers in these trying times. It is important to stay safe and properly informed. Below are a few productivity ideas to explore and websites to add to your apartment family resource binder.

Apartment Activities

There are many productive ways to spend time at home. While many of us would like to get back to normal ASAP, time spent at home could be a golden opportunity. Use your new apartment-based, homeschool, tiny-office wisely. Start by arming your family with facts and tips from reliable sources.

The internet also brings a library of free resources and tools right into your apartment living room. You could hold a virtual kindergarten graduation ceremony and find free educational materials to help the kids grow.  You can also find suggestions and printables for indoor or outdoor, age-appropriate crafts.

Use this time to start that home management binder you have been thinking about. It will be much easier to keep your ducks in a row, if they are housebound. Conduct a family meeting about self and family care. Create family scavenger hunts and discussions about spiritual care. Find productive ways to keep positivity up.

Credible Information & Resources

Self and family care are important right now. This means nourishing your body, mind, and spirit. Misinformation and too much information at once can be toxic to all three aspects. Get your facts from credible sources and conduct research on all findings. Help stop the perpetuation of misinformation.

The Center for Disease Control and Prevention has a wealth of valuable data available. Explore the site for facts and tips or search for specific topics. The Ann Arbor District Library is another resource for facts which also offers boredom busting tools. If your family includes children who need inspirational busy work, browse the Ann Arbor Public Schools website to find answers about academic matters. Use your favorite search engine to find live virtual spiritual services or check your local listing.

Apartment Research Center & Home Office

Create a space and use your computer or phone to visit the above-mentioned websites. Either open a digital notebook or grab pen and paper if you are old school. Make note of key points and jot down ideas as you go. Sit down with the family and brainstorm a list of questions and suggestions. Use the following bullets to help you decide whether a website is credible.

Note: Meeting or failing the below criteria does not prove a site is credible or not.

  • Misspellings and grammatical errors can be a sign of suspicious motives.
  • Broken links and spammy sales ads can lead to potentially hinky information.
  • Check the website copyright year at the very bottom of the page to ensure it is current.
  • The domain name is another excellent hint. Professionals usually accept those ending in .gov or .edu as safer and more accurate than others.

Important: This content does not replace a professional’s advice. If you feel unwell, please contact your physician.

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