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Current Apartments Available for Sublet

Lease Takeovers & Entire Apartments

NameEmail/PhonePropertyDates AvailableType Price
Alisonaspicer@livesuites.comEastwindflexible - 8/13/251 Bedroom$1,900/month
Alisonaspicer@livesuites.comEastwindflexible - 8/13/251 Bedroom$1,500/month McKinley5/1/25 - 8/12/252 bedroom$2,200/month
Becky756975712becky@gmail.com350 Thompson5/2/25 - 8/13/25Studio$1,659/month2 full beds in studio
Miaoyamiaoya@umich.edu824 McKinley5/2/25 - 8/18/251 Bedroom$1,200/month
Akankshaakanksharai1411@gmail.comEastwind5/2/25-8/13/251 Bedroom$1400/month
Amnakhanamna@umich.eduBroadview5/1/25 - 8/12/252 Bedroom $2,050/monthContact for a tour! Willing to negotiate price.
Dorothyjmhong@umich.edu824 McKinley5/5/25 - 8/13/252 Bedroom$750/person or $1,500/month for whole apartmentDates negotiable! Fully furnished, free high speed internet, pet friendly, and prime location!
Geonhee conniegl@umich.eduBroadview5/3/25-8/10/251 Bedroom$1,029/month-Private 1BD1BTH
-Gas, Water, Sewer, trash, WIFI included
- 4 min walk to Bursley bus top
- You will be sharing the apartment with 1 other person where you each have a private bed and bath.
Carlospereztc@umich.eduBroadview6/13/25-8/13/251 Bedroom$1,575/month
Ziyiziyimeng@umich.edu350 Thompsonflexible - 8/13/25Studio$1,650/month
Tamartamarayalew1@gmail.comHigh Street 5/3/25-8/13/251 Bedroom$1,400/month
Reneereneerc@umich.edu350 Thompson5/2/25 - 8/13/25Studio$1,500/month-Entire Unit
-Fully Furnished
-All utilities included except electricity
Iago ipereira@umich.eduBroadview06/01/2025 to 09/05/20251b1b$1,400-Entire Unit
-Fully Furnished
-All utilities included except electricity

Easy and Affordable Rent-by-the-Rooms

NameEmail/PhoneAsking PriceRooms AvailableBuildingDates AvailableNotes$630/moPrivate room in 2BD apartmentBroadview10/16/24 - 8/13/25$850/mo1BD (apartment shared with 1 person)350 ThompsonNow - 6/30/25$950/monthPrivate room in 2BD 1BD apartmentBroadview5/5/25 - 8/13/25
Lizzy$1,029/monthPrivate room in 2BD 1.5BTH apartmentBroadviewASAP$600/month1b1b in 2b2b apartmentBroadview5/5/25 - 07/31/25$900/monthPrivate room in 2BD1BTH801 MillerASAP - 8/13/25



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