Renter Rights

Many tenants are not aware that they have rights or that a list of these laws has been written and mandated for all regions. While these laws vary widely from state to state most often, they may vary on the county or city level as well. This is because all regions have a set of building codes and zoning laws. Keep in mind that there are federal mandates as well. It is a good idea to put the internet to work and perform some research on the local area’s renter rights. Student apartments ann arbor are providing easy agreement system, especially for students.
Basic Rights
There are several rental rights that apply to all individuals in all regions. One of these pertains to discrimination. Renters have the right to live in dwellings which are free of unlawful discrimination from any property owner or manager. The Federal Fair Housing Act of 1968 and the Federal Fair Housing Act Amendments of 1988 protect renters from discrimination based upon religion; family status; ethnic origin; age; gender; sexual orientation; and/or disability. This federal mandate means that landlords/ladies may not legally:
- introduce any statement or advertisement which indicates a preference or limitation based upon any of the above-protected categories
- falsely claim that a unit is unavailable due to any of the above criteria
- place increased restriction standards upon tenant selection or deny members of specific groups
- terminate occupancy due to reasons pertaining to the above-protected criteria
All dwellings must meet certain set standards which mostly seem like common sense; however, they have been written into laws to protect renters. The wording of these may differ from region to region, but the meaning generally remains the same.
- A unit must be safe, secure, and meet or exceed all federal, state, and city building codes. This includes housing codes, zoning ordinances, and health requirements.
- Appliances in the unit must function safely.
- All plumbing and electrical systems must function safely and properly. The hot water tank must also be in place and functioning. Toilets must provide enough pressure to flush and plumbing systems are to drain properly to ensure sanitation.
- Heating and air systems must function safely and properly.
- All windows and doors must open/close as well as lock securely.
- The roof must not leak.
- All outside areas must be secure and provide appropriate lighting.
It is essential to becoming educated in matters of rental agreements, tenant rights, and tenant/owner legal relationships. The internet is a valuable resource and should be taken full advantage of. Use it to look these laws up as well as find telephone numbers of government entities to contact regarding them. Call the local government branches too and keep notes on all of the information obtained. Renters must be self-assured and extremely proactive in order to protect themselves.
Before renting, turning over money, or signing any documents carefully scrutinize every single detail of that agreement. Ask questions about everything that is not obviously clear. It is a good idea to ask about detail which seem to be clear simply to ensure they have been understood correctly. Do not be ashamed to ask someone who is more experienced in legal matters for help. These tasks protect the tenant, their families, and the owners.