Easy Tips to Cut Energy Costs

In this article, we share some easy tips to cut energy costs. There are numerous simple energy-saving tasks for college students to perform around their apartments. Combining as many as possible will dramatically decrease energy bills. Most of them do not require any money and the few that do are inexpensive and definitely worth implementing.
Turn Off and Unplug
Turn off anything that is not being used. Consciously develop a habit of turning the item on while using it and then immediately turning it off when the task is complete. This includes all appliances and lights. Walk into a room, accomplish that which needs doing, and turn the light off while walking out. Using a light does not dramatically increase energy bills; however, leaving all of them on when not in use does. It is also a good idea to replace light bulbs with smaller watt bulbs. Be aware of cost efficient light bulbs. Many of this type contains mercury and it is strongly recommended by companies that areas be evacuated and allowed to air out when one is broken.
Go through the entire apartment Ann Arbor and unplug items that are not being used and are not necessary. This does not mean alarm clocks, though, most people use their cell phones for alarms and those that plug into the wall are not required. Set computers to hibernate or sleep after periods of dormancy. Shut all computers down when leaving the home or retiring to bed for the night.
Hot and Cold
Use cold water to rinse clothes to dramatically reduce energy bills. Try setting the wash cycle to use cold whenever possible as well. Hang small items up instead of running them through the dryer. Most under clothes, with the exception of socks perhaps, dry very quickly when simply hung up. Locate a small drying rack at a yard sale or dollar store to dry these items. Drying racks are not expensive and most fold up and store conveniently.
Check thermostats for heating and cooling units. The general rule is set it around 68 degrees in the winter and about 78 degrees in the summer. This will vary from region to region as well as household to household. The important thing to keep in mind is do not continually change the setting. Choose the settings to stick with and, in most cases, the individuals within the apartment will comfortably adjust. When it is cold inside add a layer of clothes and when it is too hot remove one.
Ask the landlord/lady about the water heater temperature setting. Try setting it for 120 degrees instead of 140 degrees for example. It is amazing how much this act alone can cut energy costs. Another thought is when temperatures are nice outside open the windows and let fresh air inside. Be sure the windows and doors are closed when the heat or air is running. Fresh air is very good for health and this will allow rooms to air out replacing stale air with that which is fresh and clean. Replace heating/cooling filters regularly. This reduces costs as well as decrease many allergy symptoms. These are some Easy Tips to Cut Energy Costs.